See also

This manual refers to Codac v1, but a new v2 implementation is currently in progress… an update of this manual will be available soon. See more.

Catalog of contractors for static constraints

The domains previously presented will be reduced by means of contractors: operators designed to eliminate unfeasible solutions according to constraints. We distinct two categories of contractors: those that are time-related (and that involve tubes) and the static ones presented in this chapter.

Mathematically, a contractor \(\mathcal{C}\) on a box \([\mathbf{x}]\in\mathbb{IR}^n\) is an operator \(\mathbb{IR}^{n}\to\mathbb{IR}^{n}\) such that

\[\begin{split}\begin{equation} \begin{array}{lll} \mathcal{C}([\mathbf{x}])\subset[\mathbf{x}] & & \text{(contractance)}\\ {}[\mathbf{x}]\subset\left[\mathbf{y}\right]\text{ }\Rightarrow\text{}\mathcal{C}([\mathbf{x}])\subset\mathcal{C}([\mathbf{y}]). & & \text{(monotonicity)} \end{array} \end{equation}\end{split}\]

In Codac, a contractor is applied on a box by calling the .contract(…) method.

Static contractors

The following contractors apply on intervals and boxes:

See also: codac-unsupported.

Combining contractors

Union, intersection, Cartesian product, or inversion of contractors is achievable. See for instance:

from codac import *
from vibes import vibes

# Define some non-linear function
f = Function('x', 'y', 'x*cos(x-y)+y')

# Build the separator associated to the constraint f(x,y) < 0
sep = SepFwdBwd(f, CmpOp.LEQ)

# Example of Cartesian product of two contractors
c3 = cart_prod([ctc_1, ctc_2])

How a contractor is implemented

Contractors are C++/Python objects. Some of them can be instantiated according to the problem to deal with. All of them will contract domains with the .contract() method.

Pre-defined contractors

For ease of use, some contractor objects that do not require parameters are predefined in the namespace ctc. They can be used directly without instantiation.







ctc::polar for C++
ctc.polar for Python




ctc::dist for C++
ctc.dist for Python




ctc::deriv for C++
ctc.deriv for Python




ctc::eval for C++
ctc.eval for Python




ctc::delay for C++
ctc.delay for Python