
Codac releases

Codac release 1.2.0 (released Jun 6, 2022)

Commits since previous release 1.1.0

Features added

  • @54b5f45: added SepBox

  • @0a4f3ad: SepProj, SepFixPoint, SepCtcPairProj, QInterProjF now in core


  • @a5a483e: string formatting for run-time Function definition

  • @a5a483e: string formatting for run-time Function definition

Python binding

  • @7cbb1eb: SepFixPoint documentation

  • @0aeb37f: SepProj documentation

  • @490dd0d: SepCtcPairProj documentation

  • @31727f5: QInterProjF documentation

  • @9000cc6: constructor for creating an IntervalMatrix from NumPy objects

Codac release 1.1.0 (released May 17, 2022)

Commits since previous release 1.0.0

Features added


  • @4357e3d: improving SIVIA interface + compatibility with former pySIVIA


Python binding

  • @eea406b: now available for MacOS

  • @ad2b7fa: corrected bug in __invert__ of a Sep

Codac release 1.0.0 (released Apr 21, 2022)

Commits since previous release 0.1.14


Bugs fixed

  • @3c268eb: fix encoding problems on Windows with Python 3.10

  • @4e5d216: updated pybind11 to v2.9.2 for Python 3.10 support

  • @03889ad: const for TFnc parameter in CtcPicard constructor


  • @b161745: set-inversion and separators

Python binding

  • @5fcaebf: added __hash__ for Interval, IntervalVar, IntervalVectorVar

Codac release 0.1.14 (released Apr 14, 2022)

Commits since previous release 0.1.13

Features added

  • @e52a3ad: added examples from the former pyIbex library

  • @65d5320: added VIBesFig::draw_vehicle()


Codac release 0.1.13 (released Apr 11, 2022)

Commits since previous release 0.1.12

Features added

  • @7259649: added vector product between two vectors

  • @c7efd74: added steepest_slice(), max_gate_diam()

  • @f37e819: added SIVIA algorithms (Ctc,Sep) and binding

  • @bafa1e4: defining SetColorMap


  • @633ab95: embedding pyIbex into Codac (several commits)

Bugs fixed

  • @495eef9: corrected bug in TFnc

  • @044535f: corrected bug on CtcLohner (input/output gates)


  • @f8b0f8c: indexing on Intervals is now deprecated (py)


  • @59e8e3e: CtcFunction and how to deal with inequalities

Codac release 0.1.12 (released Feb 21, 2022)

Commits since previous release 0.1.11

Features added

  • @f53c7e9: towards polynomial representation of tubes

Codac release 0.1.11 (released Feb 17, 2022)

Commits since previous release 0.1.10

Bugs fixed

  • @e34095d: corrected bug in VIBesFigPaving

  • @4ac8120: corrected bug in TubeVector::invert (subsets)


  • @3b391c1: added Function page to the manual

  • @07023a5: added example in Lohner page

Python binding

  • @945314b: casting for dealing with numpy.float32

Codac release 0.1.10 (released Jan 31, 2022)

Commits since previous release 0.1.9

Python binding

  • @76e0f8c: completing missing math functions on tubes/traj

Codac release 0.1.9 (released Jan 28, 2022)

Commits since previous release 0.1.8

Bugs fixed

  • @40c1d3e: corrected bug in Trajectory::diff()

Python binding

  • @f43de8e: added binding for CtcNewton from IBEX

  • @c91d672: corrected bug in Python binding of Tube::invert() (subsets) methods

Codac release 0.1.8 (released Jan 15, 2022)

Commits since previous release 0.1.7

Bugs fixed

  • @a134aec: corrected pessimism in CtcEval on \([t]\times[z]\)

  • @f242159: solving bug when IntervalVectorVar connected by components only

Codac release 0.1.7 (released Nov 4, 2021)

Commits since previous release 0.1.6

Features added

  • @ff42f1c: in CN, allowing interm variables to be reset

  • @c047730: introducing CN variables: IntervalVar and IntervalVectorVar

  • @edd84d9: added an example of how to build a paving from a CN

  • @480b74b: CtcStatic can now be used in CN for Tube and TubeVector objects


  • @0bc617a: in CN, only contracting contractors are triggered

  • @ff42f1c: the method create_dom is deprecated, use create_interm_var instead

  • @cb34255: updated diff method

  • @0e87a9c: minor optimization in CtcDeriv

Bugs fixed

  • @2511f25: corrected bug in make_continuous()

  • @9b3c33d: corrected bug when empty subdomain

Python binding

  • @08e670b: Python binding of CN variables

  • @5c64d19: Python binding of CtcStatic

Codac release 0.1.6 (released Aug 25, 2021)

Commits since previous release 0.1.5

Features added

  • @4f273d9: towards generation of .deb and .nupkg packages

Bugs fixed

  • @5cf9223: corrected recent bug in CtcChain

  • @b4c5a2c: corrected recent bug in CtcEval

Codac release 0.1.5 (released Aug 18, 2021)

Commits since previous release 0.1.4

Features added

  • @b0b627a: added Brunovsky example

  • @6a16259: first attempt of sub-CN

  • @f6fbe30: vehicle displayed on demand on trajectories


  • @3ed6090: improved CtcDelay since new tube definition

Bugs fixed

Codac release 0.1.4 (released Mar 17, 2021)

Commits since previous release 0.1.3

Features added

Bugs fixed

  • @d9dee9c: corrected bug in eval function

  • @0996ca9: solving implementation of DelayTFunction (shared libraries)

Codac release 0.1.3 (released Mar 1, 2021)

Commits since previous release 0.1.2


  • @cddb598: improving loop computation in Python

Python binding

  • @b178137: building Python module in Release mode

Codac release 0.1.2 (released Feb 20, 2021)

Commits since previous release 0.1.1

Bugs fixed

Codac release 0.1.1 (released Feb 16, 2021)

Commits since previous release 0.1.0


  • @ed3ff69: improved TubeTreeSynthesis computations

  • @630a981: changing tube definition: unbounded outside tdomain \([t_0,t_f]\)

  • @bb3d64c: updated the interface of loop detections/proofs


Python binding

  • @d0351fb: Python binding of loop detections/proofs

  • @afadfd7: building trajectories objects from numpy arrays

  • @3a79bf3: added missing rsub operators on Tubes

Codac release 0.1.0 (released Feb 2, 2021)

Commits since previous release tubex.3.1.1


Previous libraries from which Codac comes from

Codac has been built upon two libraries:

  • Tubex (Simon Rohou), that was dedicated to tubes, Contractor Networks, dynamical systems…

  • pyIbex (Benoît Desrochers), that was initially a Python binding of IBEX, and proposed tools related to separators, thicksets, geometrical contractors…