This part of the documentation is deprecated. Several changes are currently performed on the library. A new stable version of Codac will be released in the coming weeks.
Building a solver
More content coming soon..
Simple example:
ctc_plus = CtcFunction(Function("a", "b", "c", "a+b-c"))
a = Interval(0,1)
b = Interval(-1,1)
c = Interval(1.5,2)
cn = ContractorNetwork()
cn.add(ctc_plus, [a, b, c])
# a == [0.5,1]
# b == [0.5,1]
# c == [1.5,2]
CtcFunction ctc_plus(Function("a", "b", "c", "a+b-c"));
Interval a(0,1), b(-1,1), c(1.5,2);
ContractorNetwork cn;
cn.add(ctc_plus, {a, b, c});
// a == [0.5,1]
// b == [0.5,1]
// c == [1.5,2]