codac 1.5.6
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Ccodac::ColorMapAssociates colors to a range of values
 Ccodac::ContractorNetworkGraph of contractors and domains that model a problem in the constraint programming framework. Heterogeneous domains can be handled in the same network, which allows to deal with a wide variety of problems such as non-linear equations, differential systems, delays or inter-temporal equations
 Ccodac::CtcBoxContractor around a box
 Ccodac::CtcCartProdCartesian product of contractors \(\mathcal{C}_1\times\dots\times\mathcal{C}_n\)
 Ccodac::CtcCNStatic contractor on a contractor network object
 Ccodac::CtcConstellCtcConstell class
 Ccodac::CtcDistDistance constraint between two 2d vectors
 Ccodac::CtcFromSepBuild a contractor with a separator Wrt the
 Ccodac::CtcFunctionGeneric static \(\mathcal{C}\) that contracts a box \([\mathbf{x}]\) or a tube \([\mathbf{x}](\cdot)\) according to the constraint \(\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x})=\mathbf{0}\) or \(\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x})\in[\mathbf{y}]\). It stands on the CtcFwdBwd of IBEX (HC4Revise)
 Ccodac::CtcPolarMinimal contractor for the polar constraint: x = rho*cos(theta) y = rho*sin(theta) theta = angle(x,y) sqr(rho) = sqr(x)+sqr(y)
 Ccodac::CtcQInterProjFQ-intersection contractor
 Ccodac::CtcSegmentMinimal contractor for a segment
 Ccodac::CtcTransformTransformation of a separator with an inversible transformation T(S)(X) = { ffwd*Sin*fbwd(X), ffwd*Sout*fbwd(X)} Using a function and its inverse is less pessimism than using a forward / backward propagation (see: sepInverse)
 Ccodac::DynamicalItemAbstract class for common properties of Tube, TubeVector, Slice, Trajectory, TrajectoryVector objects
 Ccodac::SliceSlice \(\llbracket x\rrbracket(\cdot)\) of a one dimensional tube and made of an envelope and two gates
 Ccodac::TrajectoryOne dimensional trajectory \(x(\cdot)\), defined as a temporal map of values
 Ccodac::RandTrajectoryOne dimensional random trajectory \(x(\cdot)\), used to represent noises
 Ccodac::TrajectoryVectorN-dimensional trajectory \(\mathbf{x}(\cdot)\), defined as a temporal map of vector values
 Ccodac::TubeOne dimensional tube \([x](\cdot)\), defined as an interval of scalar trajectories
 Ccodac::TubeVectorN-dimensional tube \([\mathbf{x}](\cdot)\), defined as an interval of n-dimensional trajectories
 Ccodac::DynCtcContractor interface
 Ccodac::CtcDelay\(\mathcal{C}_{delay}\) that contracts the tubes \([x](\cdot)\) and \([y](\cdot)\) with respect to their delay \([\tau]\) according to the delay constraint \(\mathbf{x}(t)=\mathbf{y}(t+\tau)\)
 Ccodac::CtcDeriv\(\mathcal{C}_{\frac{d}{dt}}\) that contracts a tube \([x](\cdot)\) with respect to its derivative tube \([v](\cdot)\) according to the constraint \(\dot{x}(\cdot)=v(\cdot)\)
 Ccodac::CtcEval\(\mathcal{C}_\textrm{eval}\) that contracts a tube \([y](\cdot)\) with respect to its derivative tube \([w](\cdot)\) and a measurement \([t]\times[z]\) according to the constraints \(z=y(t)\) and \(\dot{y}(\cdot)=w(\cdot)\)
 Ccodac::CtcLohner\(\mathcal{C}_\textrm{lohner}\) that contracts a tube \([\mathbf{x}](\cdot)\) according to a differential constraint \(\dot{\mathbf{x}}=\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x})\)
 Ccodac::CtcPicardCtcPicard class
 Ccodac::CtcStaticGeneric static \(\mathcal{C}\) that contracts a tube \([\mathbf{x}](\cdot)\) with some IBEX contractor (for boxes, possibly including time). The contractor will be applied on each slice and gate
 Ccodac::ExceptionRoot class of all exceptions raised by Codac
 Ccodac::DomainsSizeExceptionException raised if the size (dimension) of domains are not consistent together, and with the contractor definition
 Ccodac::DomainsTypeExceptionException raised if the domains connected to a contractor in a CN are not consistent with the contractor definition
 Ccodac::VIBesFigMap::FigMapTrajParamsSpecifies some parameters related to a Trajectory display
 Ccodac::VIBesFigMap::FigMapTubeParamsSpecifies some parameters related to a Tube display
 Ccodac::VIBesFigTube::FigTrajParamsSpecifies some parameters related to a Trajectory display
 Ccodac::VIBesFigTube::FigTubeParamsSpecifies some parameters related to a Tube display
 Ccodac::FigureTwo-dimensional graphical item
 Ccodac::VIBesFigTwo-dimensional graphical item based on the VIBes viewer
 Ccodac::VIBesFigMapTwo-dimensional graphical item to project dynamical items (tubes, trajectories, etc.) on a map
 Ccodac::VIBesFigPavingTwo-dimensional graphical item to display a Paving object
 Ccodac::VIBesFigTubeTwo-dimensional graphical item to display scalar tubes or trajectories
 Ccodac::VIBesFigTubeVectorMulti-view item to display vector tubes or trajectories
 Ccodac::hsvRepresents an HSV value
 Ccodac::PdcInPolygonTests if a box is inside a polygon
 Ccodac::rgbRepresents an RGB value
 Ccodac::SepBoxSeparator \(\mathcal{S}_{box}\) that separates two boxes according to the constraint \(\mathbf{x}\in[\mathbf{b}]\)
 Ccodac::SepCtcPairProjProjection of a separator using ibexlib algorithm
 Ccodac::SepFixPointFix point of a Separator
 Ccodac::SepFunctionGeneric static \(\mathcal{S}\) that separates two boxes according to the constraint \(\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x})=\mathbf{0}\) or \(\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x})\in[\mathbf{y}]\). It stands on the SepFwdBwd of IBEX (involving HC4Revise)
 Ccodac::SepPolarXYSeparator for point in sector. A sector is defined by its center, a distance and an angle (with uncertainty)
 Ccodac::SepPolygonSeparator for Point inside a polygon
 Ccodac::SepProjProjection of a separator
 Ccodac::SepTransformImage of a separator by a function \(f\) where an analytic expression of \(\mathbf{f}^{-1}\) is avaiable. the computation is less pessimism than using a classical a forward / backward propagation (
 Ccodac::SetMulti-dimensional interval-based representation of a set
 Ccodac::ConnectedSubsetMulti-dimensional paving representation of a connected subset
 Ccodac::PavingMulti-dimensional paving as representation of a set
 Ccodac::SIVIAPavingPaving resulting from a Set-Inversion Via Interval Analysis
 Ccodac::TPlaneTemporal representation of loops
 Ccodac::TubePavingMulti-dimensional paving as projection of a vector tube
 Ccodac::ToolsBasic features provided here in order to avoid overkill dependencies