codac 1.5.6
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NcodacFixPoint of a separator The fixpoint of a separator is computed by calling the "::"separate function on a given box until the Hausdorff distance between two iterations is less than a given ratio. This operation can be seen as a contractor on the boundary of the solution set
 CColorMapAssociates colors to a range of values
 CConnectedSubsetMulti-dimensional paving representation of a connected subset
 CContractorNetworkGraph of contractors and domains that model a problem in the constraint programming framework. Heterogeneous domains can be handled in the same network, which allows to deal with a wide variety of problems such as non-linear equations, differential systems, delays or inter-temporal equations
 CCtcBoxContractor around a box
 CCtcCartProdCartesian product of contractors \(\mathcal{C}_1\times\dots\times\mathcal{C}_n\)
 CCtcCNStatic contractor on a contractor network object
 CCtcConstellCtcConstell class
 CCtcDelay\(\mathcal{C}_{delay}\) that contracts the tubes \([x](\cdot)\) and \([y](\cdot)\) with respect to their delay \([\tau]\) according to the delay constraint \(\mathbf{x}(t)=\mathbf{y}(t+\tau)\)
 CCtcDeriv\(\mathcal{C}_{\frac{d}{dt}}\) that contracts a tube \([x](\cdot)\) with respect to its derivative tube \([v](\cdot)\) according to the constraint \(\dot{x}(\cdot)=v(\cdot)\)
 CCtcDistDistance constraint between two 2d vectors
 CCtcEval\(\mathcal{C}_\textrm{eval}\) that contracts a tube \([y](\cdot)\) with respect to its derivative tube \([w](\cdot)\) and a measurement \([t]\times[z]\) according to the constraints \(z=y(t)\) and \(\dot{y}(\cdot)=w(\cdot)\)
 CCtcFromSepBuild a contractor with a separator Wrt the
 CCtcFunctionGeneric static \(\mathcal{C}\) that contracts a box \([\mathbf{x}]\) or a tube \([\mathbf{x}](\cdot)\) according to the constraint \(\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x})=\mathbf{0}\) or \(\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x})\in[\mathbf{y}]\). It stands on the CtcFwdBwd of IBEX (HC4Revise)
 CCtcLohner\(\mathcal{C}_\textrm{lohner}\) that contracts a tube \([\mathbf{x}](\cdot)\) according to a differential constraint \(\dot{\mathbf{x}}=\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x})\)
 CCtcPicardCtcPicard class
 CCtcPolarMinimal contractor for the polar constraint: x = rho*cos(theta) y = rho*sin(theta) theta = angle(x,y) sqr(rho) = sqr(x)+sqr(y)
 CCtcQInterProjFQ-intersection contractor
 CCtcSegmentMinimal contractor for a segment
 CCtcStaticGeneric static \(\mathcal{C}\) that contracts a tube \([\mathbf{x}](\cdot)\) with some IBEX contractor (for boxes, possibly including time). The contractor will be applied on each slice and gate
 CCtcTransformTransformation of a separator with an inversible transformation T(S)(X) = { ffwd*Sin*fbwd(X), ffwd*Sout*fbwd(X)} Using a function and its inverse is less pessimism than using a forward / backward propagation (see: sepInverse)
 CDomainsSizeExceptionException raised if the size (dimension) of domains are not consistent together, and with the contractor definition
 CDomainsTypeExceptionException raised if the domains connected to a contractor in a CN are not consistent with the contractor definition
 CDynamicalItemAbstract class for common properties of Tube, TubeVector, Slice, Trajectory, TrajectoryVector objects
 CDynCtcContractor interface
 CExceptionRoot class of all exceptions raised by Codac
 CFigureTwo-dimensional graphical item
 ChsvRepresents an HSV value
 CPavingMulti-dimensional paving as representation of a set
 CPdcInPolygonTests if a box is inside a polygon
 CRandTrajectoryOne dimensional random trajectory \(x(\cdot)\), used to represent noises
 CrgbRepresents an RGB value
 CSepBoxSeparator \(\mathcal{S}_{box}\) that separates two boxes according to the constraint \(\mathbf{x}\in[\mathbf{b}]\)
 CSepCtcPairProjProjection of a separator using ibexlib algorithm
 CSepFixPointFix point of a Separator
 CSepFunctionGeneric static \(\mathcal{S}\) that separates two boxes according to the constraint \(\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x})=\mathbf{0}\) or \(\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x})\in[\mathbf{y}]\). It stands on the SepFwdBwd of IBEX (involving HC4Revise)
 CSepPolarXYSeparator for point in sector. A sector is defined by its center, a distance and an angle (with uncertainty)
 CSepPolygonSeparator for Point inside a polygon
 CSepProjProjection of a separator
 CSepTransformImage of a separator by a function \(f\) where an analytic expression of \(\mathbf{f}^{-1}\) is avaiable. the computation is less pessimism than using a classical a forward / backward propagation (
 CSetMulti-dimensional interval-based representation of a set
 CSIVIAPavingPaving resulting from a Set-Inversion Via Interval Analysis
 CSliceSlice \(\llbracket x\rrbracket(\cdot)\) of a one dimensional tube and made of an envelope and two gates
 CToolsBasic features provided here in order to avoid overkill dependencies
 CTPlaneTemporal representation of loops
 CTrajectoryOne dimensional trajectory \(x(\cdot)\), defined as a temporal map of values
 CTrajectoryVectorN-dimensional trajectory \(\mathbf{x}(\cdot)\), defined as a temporal map of vector values
 CTubeOne dimensional tube \([x](\cdot)\), defined as an interval of scalar trajectories
 CTubePavingMulti-dimensional paving as projection of a vector tube
 CTubeVectorN-dimensional tube \([\mathbf{x}](\cdot)\), defined as an interval of n-dimensional trajectories
 CVIBesFigTwo-dimensional graphical item based on the VIBes viewer
 CVIBesFigMapTwo-dimensional graphical item to project dynamical items (tubes, trajectories, etc.) on a map
 CFigMapTrajParamsSpecifies some parameters related to a Trajectory display
 CFigMapTubeParamsSpecifies some parameters related to a Tube display
 CVIBesFigPavingTwo-dimensional graphical item to display a Paving object
 CVIBesFigTubeTwo-dimensional graphical item to display scalar tubes or trajectories
 CFigTrajParamsSpecifies some parameters related to a Trajectory display
 CFigTubeParamsSpecifies some parameters related to a Tube display
 CVIBesFigTubeVectorMulti-view item to display vector tubes or trajectories