.. _sec-start-py-project: ###################### Start a Python project ###################### .. tip:: | You are using C++? | :ref:`sec-start-cpp-project` | Codac is ready to be used on your computer. | You can now import the ``codac`` package and start using it: .. code-block:: py from codac import * x = Tube(Interval(0,10), 0.01, TFunction("cos(t)+abs(t-5)*[-0.1,0.1]")) beginDrawing() fig = VIBesFigTube("My first tube") fig.add_tube(x, "x") fig.show() endDrawing() | This script will create a simple tube and display it. | You can run it (if saved in a file :file:`myscript.py`) with: .. code-block:: bash python3 myscript.py In order to visualize the tube, you need to launch before the :ref:`VIBes viewer ` independently. If everything is well installed on your computer, you should see the following window appear: .. Figure:: img/helloworld.png