.. _sec-installation: ############################ Installing the Codac library ############################ Codac is available in both C++17 and Python3 (:ref:`as well as MATLAB through its Python interface `). Note that you can also :ref:`use Codac online in Python `, without having to install the library on your machine. .. role:: gbg .. raw:: html .. |linux-py| replace:: :gbg:`✓` (link) .. _linux-py: 01-installation-python.html .. |win-py| replace:: :gbg:`✓` (link) .. _win-py: 01-installation-python.html .. |macos-py| replace:: :gbg:`✓` (link) .. _macos-py: 01-installation-python.html .. |online-py| replace:: :gbg:`✓` (Repl.it) .. _online-py: 02-py-project-online.html .. |linux-cpp| replace:: :gbg:`✓` (link) .. _linux-cpp: 01-installation-full-linux.html .. |win-cpp| replace:: :gbg:`✓` (link) .. _win-cpp: 01-installation-full-windows.html .. |macos-cpp| replace:: :gbg:`✓` (link) .. _macos-cpp: 01-installation-full-macos.html The :gbg:`✓` configurations are officially supported at the moment: +---------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ |Language |Linux (amd64) |Linux (arm64) |Windows (x64) |Windows (x86) |macOS (arm64) |macOS (x86_64) |Online | +===============+================+================+=================+=================+================+================+================+ |C++17 ||linux-cpp|_ ||linux-cpp|_ ||win-cpp|_ ||win-cpp|_ ||macos-cpp|_ ||macos-cpp|_ | | +---------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ |Python 3.6 ||linux-py|_ ||linux-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||macos-py|_ ||macos-py|_ ||online-py|_ | +---------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+ + |Python 3.7 ||linux-py|_ ||linux-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||macos-py|_ ||macos-py|_ | | +---------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+ + |Python 3.8 ||linux-py|_ ||linux-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||macos-py|_ ||macos-py|_ | | +---------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+ + |Python 3.9 ||linux-py|_ ||linux-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||macos-py|_ ||macos-py|_ | | +---------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+ + |Python 3.10 ||linux-py|_ ||linux-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||macos-py|_ ||macos-py|_ | | +---------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+ + |Python 3.11 ||linux-py|_ ||linux-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||macos-py|_ ||macos-py|_ | | +---------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ |Python 3.12 ||linux-py|_ ||linux-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||win-py|_ ||macos-py|_ ||macos-py|_ | | +---------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | **Click on the links in the table to access the related installation procedures.** | If a configuration in this table does not work, please `contact us `_. Note that if you want to contribute to Codac, you have to make the full C++ installation from sources. .. _sec-installation-graphics: Graphical tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For using Codac with graphical outputs, you will need the VIBes viewer. `VIBes `_ is a visualization system that aims at providing people working with intervals a way to display results (boxes, pavings), without worrying about GUI programming. Some methods have been implemented in Codac in order to extend VIBes' features to tubes purposes. You can `download the VIBes viewer directly from the official page `_ (click on the *Last Release* link). .. admonition:: (optional) Get the very last version of VIBes from the sources You can also install the last version from the sources available on `the GitHub development repository `_. For instance, on Linux systems, a fast installation can be made using the following command lines: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install qt5-default libqt5svg5-dev qtbase5-dev cmake git git clone https://github.com/ENSTABretagneRobotics/VIBES cd VIBES/viewer ; mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; sudo make install .. \todo: test sudo make install and executable access You can click on the icon to launch it, or use a terminal. For instance, on Linux systems: .. code-block:: bash VIBes-viewer This will open the VIBes window, ready to display things: .. figure:: /manual/07-graphics/img/vibes_window.png Keep it open!